Monday, December 6, 2010

Real Boy? Real Problem...

Alright everyone, so as I have been swamped with my own school work and preparing for oncoming exams, I have not been able to fully prepare much significant thought to ramble on about. Thankfully, my brother Justin, along with one of his many outlandishly minded friends, Kade Dorris, have provided me with a certainly controversial topic to discuss. What happens when Pinnochio declares that his own nose is about to grow?...

First off, terrific question. To put this complex paradox into perspective for those of you who have lives and do not ponder such meaningless quandaries, if Pinnochio was to make the statement that his nose would soon grow, there is supposedly no answer for what might happen. For if he said it with the intention of lying, it WOULD in fact grow...which would make his initial declaration true, which of course means that it should in fact NOT grow.  If he says it with truthful intention, then it would NOT grow, which would make his statement a lie and thus it SHOULD grow (You all get the idea).

So now  the answer is for me to unveil. Since this situation is so conflicting, I have come to the conclusion that the only way to reach a solid answer to this issue is to view it through the objective eyes of science.

To begin, some undistinguished facts need to be recognized, namely that Pinnochio's nose has the ability to grow in the first place, that he has advanced motor function and the ability to fluently communicate with those around him. This information, in itself, proves that his inner composition would HAVE to be identical to that of a human such as you or myself.  Without the presence of these life sustaining elements that all of our bodies utilize everyday, he would in no way be able to function as we all have seen him do in our "Toddler/Pre-School era". Now that the ambiguity of his existence is cleared, deducting the resulting doom Pinnochio would face by saying his own nose would grow is exponentially simplified.

To put it simply...he would explode (well, metaphorically anyway)...end of story. However, since such an audacious claim certainly warrants some sort of explanation, I will go on.

Remember earlier when we decided that Pinnochio has to have the same guts as we do? Well this is where that becomes important. In order for his nose to grow, there would have to be room for a larger volume of blood to be held. This becomes problematic when he makes the statement that his nose will soon grow and the conflict between truth and lie arises. Since his central nervous system would tell his body conflicting commands simultaneously, this would lead to many neuron misfires and result in severe nerve damage. This break in the nervous system in turn, would indirectly have detrimental effects on his circulatory system. Since Pinnochio's nerves would be more or less fried, his nose would lose the ability to sense the need to grow all together while the blood needed for it to grow would still pool up. Eventually, the blood originally intended for his nose growth would pool up in his nasal cavity and back up to the point where the pressure in his blood vessels would inevitably lead to an aortic aneurysm. Thus, his blood would leak into his thoracic cavity and destroy his blood vessels' ability to function, which in turn, would take him from the stage of a ticking time bomb to his inevitable death...

Well everyone, there you have it. This is the scientific, objective answer you have all sought regarding this oh-so-popular topic. Maybe I'm just a terrible cynic but you can't argue with science and logic...